Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

Robotic solutions for the automotive industry can open up the information flow of material circulation, storage and online links, comprehensively monitor material circulation information, and realize the improvement of quality and lean production.


  • Small Batch and Wide Varieties of Parts

The demand for customized automotive parts is on the rise,and the traditional manufacturing model fails to adapt to the flexible changes.

  • Compact Takt Time

Frequent turnover of each process.The downtime of one workstation can cause the shutdown of the whole production line and even downstream customer factories.

  • Difficulty in Material Picking and Sorting

Since there are many kinds of assembly materials, the uniqueness of assembled materials leads to huge labor costs in the process of material entry and exit.

  • Low Logistics Efficiency

Traditional handling requires a large amount of labor, with low efficiency and potential safety hazards. And the pile-up of materials leads to low space utilization.


By adopting mobile robots with lifting module, forklift robots, three-dimentional shelves, and a roller convenyor line system, this automotive industry robotic solution enables automatic material handling, three-dimensional storage, fast in/out storage, and efficient assembly line operation during the whole process.


Project of a Leading Automotive Interior Trim Factory.

Project Overview

This is a cable assemblies and wire harness factory of a leading global automotive interior trim manufacturer. It assembles 60 sets of automotive interior trims per hour at peak times. To cope with the huge and complex picking tasks and to improve.

Efficiency and accuracy, the factory introduced a highly intelligent and flexible mobile robot system.


It introduces 3 mobile robots with lifting module, 5 storage robots and 3 material box handling robots. Together with the YOUIFleet scheduling system and YOUITMS logistics management system integrating with third-party WMS and MES, this.

Trans Autonomous mobile robot.
Trans Autonomous mobile robot.

Solution enables automatic handling, storage, and assembly line operation of materials, so as to create a smart logistics system from warehouse to production line.

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