Fri. Mar 7th, 2025
Controllino + ArduinoControllino + Arduino

Controllino is a powerful industrial PLC that is compatible with the Arduino IDE ecosystem.  Today, we will covering you how to do a Controllino installation, controllino set-up of Arduino IDE, Controllino programming and also write a simple hello world program for it and upload it to the controllino board.

What softwares is the controllino installation compatible?
This controllino set up works great with Windows, Mac OS X, Linux: 32bits,64bits, ARM, and ARM64

Which models of Controllino this installation and configuration of Arduino IDE work with?

This installation of the Controllino models and configuration of Arduino IDE work with:

Controllino Mini installation
Controllino Maxi installation
Controllino Maxi Automation installation
Controllino Mega installation


Step 1:

For the first step, we need to download the arduino ide: 

Choose your respective software for the controllino installation. For this example, we are going to use Windows. Thus, click on the first link shown in the page.


Controllino Installation, Controllino Set-up, Controllino Maxi Installation, controllino library, controllino automation,controllino datasheet, controllino example, controllino programing,controllino installation-set-up-arduino-IDE
ArduinoIDE download

Step 2:

Once we choose the correct software to download the Arduino IDE a new window will come up asking if we would like to donate and download or just download. If you have extra money for this amazing software feel free to leave some money.

If you want to just download the Arduino IDE into your Controllino model just press Download.


Step 3:

Installation process of Arduino IDE in this step we wil go over the installation process as if we are doing it with you. For this, just follow our instructions. Enjoy!

  • After carefully reviewing the agreement… agree to the term and services of the Arduino IDE program.
    Controllino Installation, Controllino Set-up, Controllino Maxi Installation, controllino library, controllino automation,controllino datasheet, controllino example, controllino programing,controllino installation-set-up-arduino-IDE
  • Then, make sure everything looks correct
    Controllino Installation, Controllino Set-up, Controllino Maxi Installation, controllino library, controllino automation,controllino datasheet, controllino example, controllino programing,controllino installation-set-up-arduino-IDE
  • Finally, we will start the installation process.
    Controllino Installation, Controllino Set-up, Controllino Maxi Installation, controllino library, controllino automation,controllino datasheet, controllino example, controllino programing,controllino installation-set-up-arduino-IDE
  • Wait until it says this “Install”.
    Controllino Installation, Controllino Set-up, Controllino Maxi Installation, controllino library, controllino automation,controllino datasheet, controllino example, controllino programing,controllino installation-set-up-arduino-IDE

Step 4:

Open the freshly downloaded Arduino IDE. Before we can start developing with Controllino we need to do two things first:

First thing to do:


Step 5

Open board manager again,

Steps: tools>boards>board manager > search for Controllino once more.

After this, install the lastest version of Controllino once more and wait a few minutes.

controllino arduino ide

  • If the installation was done correctly you are going to see your controllino boards under “boards”
    Controllino mini controllino maxi controllino mega controllino arduino ide

    Step 6

Warning– we will not cover how to do coding in this blog but only how to program the controllino and its applications.

  • Controllino Programming, I know this is the moment you came for so here we come:
  • First, include the Controllino library:
    #include <Controllino.h>
  • Second, under the setup function we can now define the pin models for our Controllino I/O
    we will configure d0 d1 d2 as output pins
  • Third, under the loop function will now activate the I/O one by one for a 100 milliseconds
  • Fourth, write a digital function set it to high delayed by 100 milliseconds and then set it again to low. We can repeat this for the d1 and d2 pins

Controllino coding controllino mega installation controllino maxi installation and set up arduino ide

The controllino coding should look like this.

Step 7

Now, we need to plug-in our controllino into our computer and choose the right board.

Steps: Tools>Boards> (choose your controllino model here)

controllino maxi controllino set up controllino configuration controllino maxi automation controllino mini arduino ide

At the same time, dont forget to check if you connected your controllino to the right port.

  • Then click the “Upload bottom”, the code compiles, uploads and there we have it!


Step 8

To verify your Controllino installation was successful, check the lights in your controllino and if they are blinking then you made a good job!

Controllino maxi controllino mini controllino mega controllino set up controllino installation
Lights must be blinking to be successful


We are glad we were able to help you in your journey installing a Controllino Mini, Controllino Maxi, Controllino Maxi Automation, and Controllino Mega into an Arduino IDE.

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